The problem with that statement to the prosecution and investigators at Penn State, who questioned the janitors, is that the janitor wasn't on the second floor when he said he saw a man there with a child.
The second janitor that worked in the building said he never saw or heard any man there at the time. The other janitor, who was a student soldier, also said she did not see anybody. Security asked me and I said I was on the floor before and I walked into the building with the janitor and the teacher through the back door.
( The janitor was never on the second floor at the time.) That's what I told security when they asked me.
This was after we ( me and the teacher) got back from the other building.
Her father worked on the second floor in an office that dealt with copyright issues.
She, (his daughter) was with her child, as was the case continually when she went to see her father. She worked in the building across the way.
We had gone over there to her classroom to do something and then came back to the building where her father worked. The building where the janitor said he saw the man.
The other janitor changed his statement, later, and said that he did see someone that night.
While we were in the other building where the teacher worked we saw two men in the small office downstairs. The janitors boss said he did not let them into the office. He said the other janitor that came to the other building had a key to the office but not the front doors or entrances to the buildings. The doors were locked after hours. We were there about 30 minutes and then went back to the other building. Her child was with us the whole time.
Security asked if we saw anybody before we left and went to her building. We said no. We never saw the janitor on the second floor before we left. We were on the second floor with her father at least 30 minutes before we went to the other building.
Someone let the men into the office in the other building. The door was locked from the inside while the men were searching the office. Nobody saw the janitor that said he saw the man in the building until we got back from the other building. Strange.
"For Paterno" |
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