Saturday, March 21, 2015

HETCH HETCHY IMPRESSION -ABSTRACT by don robbins poicture/painting

   I painted this more from memory than for exact realism. In some way I would think to line abstract it. The close up scene of the water fall that I painted as a child; (given to Okeeffe for Mendiceno California art Show) My Grandma knew her. I remember the scene from a children's book that was used by my Grandma when she went to school. The picture of Hetch Hetchy was illustrated on the cover of the book. It was a sketch. There was a rabbit in the foreground and some flowers. Grandma told me that when she was a child they would go there for the Spring sometimes to see the valley. To play in the water falls. To swim in the river. And be happy. I painted the picture for her and she showed it to O'Keeffe. She put it in her display at Mendiceno that year. My Grandma was happy. I was happy. I wanted for her to see Hetch Hetchy again. She wanted the world to. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Painting "Mary" abstract

Me- Picture- Self Portrait. "Emotion Self Image"

Me. Self portrait. "My emotion Self Image"

"Conclusion on the Benghazi attacks of 2011." -Report on Benghazi link-

"Conclusion on the Benghazi Attacks of 2011."

  • Security breaches were made leading up to the attacks.
  • Attacks on other U.S. facilities occurred simultaneously in other areas of the world.
  • There were no protests leading up to the day of the attacks- as suggested by the State Department.
  • There was no spontaneous response from a video - during a protest- that led to attacks.
  • Infiltration indicated by trip wires suggests that there was planning against the compound.
  • Time of deployments by Marine security teams were miscalculated.
  •  Foreign security forces at compound was inadequate and unwilling to properly respond to emergency situations.

 Conclusion on the Benghazi attacks of 2011:

   Ultimately, the State Department was responsible for security measures that failed. There was no response from a protest that led to violence. There was no planned attacks by terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaida. But locals seemed to have studied the area and did plan to attack the Embassy compound in accordance with planned attacks elsewhere in the world. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Re-establish our Security Bumper Sticker.

Bumper Sticker "Re-establish Security" by AccountOpen
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"Re-establish The Covenant To Re-establish The Greatness of AMERICA!" Posters

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 In national terms we believe that GOD has  a purpose for us in his plan as a people. And when we lose sight of that plan and purpose, a plan needs to be RE -ESTABLISHED. The covenant needs to be RE-ESTABLISHED and as our agreement to uphold the covenant needs to be translated into action through our society and political process without infringing on other people beliefs or freedoms that they have in the nation.  So when it becomes impossible to orchestrate activities that are positive in social outcome and that  influence politics to a degree that is acceptable with respect to leadership forming decisions based on the premise of covenant principles, 
  1. (a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning:)
 then some action needs to talk place to RE-ESTABLISH the principals that, we as a people of faith, implemented in the first place, that guaranteed the freedoms of people to live and worship in a nation that was dedicated to the ideas of serving God through social and religious institutional concerns, in covenant agreement.
   Now, to restore our greatness as a nation we have to restore our willingness to adhere to covenant principals again, to some degree. With sincerity. Not with zealotry, or fanaticism, but with common sense in what we know is right and  wrong in simple terms. And expect cooperation from our fellow citizens and a practice of conformity as to the effect of the general principles of the laws for everybody.

 Because, it is necessary to restore the covenant, in order to receive his help to the degree that we need him to help us in the nation. 
  The question is how can that be accomplished? How can we RE-ESTABLISH our covenant acceptance and adherence for Gods blessing to restore our nation?

   We can  receive the help by restoring our faith in practice in decree and in deed. 

Posters  /Buy/  Posters 

Don Robbins 2015
   "Re-establish"  Posters    
"Re-establish The Covenant To Re-establish The Greatness of AMERICA!"

T Shirts- "Re-establish AMERICA!" by AccountOpen

Bumper Sticker "Re-establish FREEDOM" by AccountOpen

Bumper Sticker "Re-establish FREEDOM" by AccountOpen

Bumper Sticker "Re-establish FREEDOM" by AccountOpen
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Bumper Sticker "Re-establish FREEDOM" by AccountOpen